Islamic Lifestyle, Morals, and Practices | Fully Explained

The foundation of Islam is more than belief, although belief is the core of the religion. The beliefs found in the Quran and Sunnah must be applied in real life.

Islam is a set of beliefs, a pattern of ritual worship, and a complete way of life “from the cradle to the grave”, from birth to death. The first great belief of the Shahadah (the testimony of faith) is in the oneness of Allah, that He alone is to be worshipped because He is the sole Creator.

This means that a Muslim’s lifestyle must show that there is nothing in life more important than God, and that service to God always comes first.

How to Promote an Islamic Lifestyle at Home?

Islam contains many rules for daily life and human relationships. The first source of these rules is the Quran and the second is the hadith or reports of the prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) words or actions.

islamic lifestyle

1- Pray on Time

The first thing we can do is make a habit of observing Salah on time every day. We can also recite the Holy Qur’an during prayer times.

When your family watches you doing Dhikr and remembering Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, they eventually follow your habits.

2- Let Your Trust in Allah (SWT) Inspire Others

When you have complete faith in Allah (SWT)’s plans, your trust in Him and confidence in yourself will seep into all parts of your life.

This confidence motivates others to learn more about Islam, especially the little ones who look up to you.

3- Foster a Respective Culture Inspired by Islamic Teachings

There are rights and responsibilities associated with all relationships in Islam. This is between a wife and a husband, a parent, and a child, or even among neighbors.

When you foster a respective culture in your family, inspiring others to fulfill their duties respectively, it automatically promotes an Islamic lifestyle at home.

4- Educate Your Family About Islamic Events

While Muslims must celebrate Eid and observe fasts in Ramadan, enunciating such Islamic events’ importance is just as essential. It’s when we know our traditions and obligations right that we understand how beautiful Islam is.

Characteristics of Morals in Islam:

The Islamic moral system stems from its primary creed of belief in One God as the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. Islam considers the human race a part of God’s creation and His subjects. Here are some of the most important characteristics of the system of Islamic manners:

It gives a detailed account of ethical issues no matter how complex and numerous. On the one hand, Islam preaches comprehensive moral values

Righteousness and piety are based, before all else, on a true and sincere faith. The key to virtue and good conduct is a strong relation with God, who sees all, at all times and everywhere. He knows the secrets of hearts and the intention behind all actions. Therefore, Islam enjoins moral behavior in all circumstances; God is aware of each one when no one else is. It may be possible to deceive the world, but not the Creator.

Islam emphasizes that we must adhere to good manners towards both the means adopted and the objective sought, under all circumstances and in all situations. Islamic values are totally against the proverb that says, “The end justifies the means.” Indeed, Islam prohibits any act of impiety even if it leads to a noble end or achieves a righteous deed.

Islam aims to enhance and amplify the moral sense in every human being and adorn the individual’s character with the noblest of virtues.

Again, Islamic values are closely related to religion and piety. Moreover, Islam views keeping promises, even with enemies, as a form of piety that God Almighty loves.

Good manners and religion cannot be separated in Islam. As previously mentioned, religion is all about good manners and it is one of the highest objectives of Islam.

islamic lifestyle

Islamic practices:


The verbal commitment and pledge that there is no deity but Allah, and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the messenger of Allah.

The belief in one Allah is the central tenet of the Islamic faith, around which all else revolves. Muslims are continuously reminded of this foundational belief, in the recital of the Shahada during each of the five daily prayers, as well as many more pivotal moments in a Muslim’s life.


Prayers are the pillars of faith. Through prayer, people establish communication and dialogue with God. It makes one become aware and realize that he or she is not alone in this universe; each person has been created for a legitimate purpose. God created human beings to recognize and appreciate His grace and blessings.

Islam has set five prescribed forms of prayers that must be completed every day at specific times. All daily prayers consist of recitations from the Quran and various bodily movements (prostrations).

People pray to God for many reasons; the first being the grandeur of the Creator.

When one ponders and reflects upon the nature of the universe, and all the diverse and intricate matters that keep life in harmony, one automatically concludes the existence of a mightier power—Allah.


Islam prescribes complete fasting as an obligation during the month of Ramadan. ,the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar.

From dawn until sunset prayer, one must completely abstain from food, drink (including water), and sexual activity.

The month of Ramadan is revered and honored by all Muslims.

Fasting is also recommended on other significant Islamic dates such as: 6 Days in Shawal, the day of Arafah – 9th of Dhul-Hijjah, and others.

islamic lifestyle


Zakat (Almsgiving) is a donation of a set proportion of one’s wealth to others in need. Donations do not refer to charitable giving out of kindness – which is also encouraged in Islam and known as Sadaqah – but rather to the systematic giving of a certain percentage of goods. Almsgiving typically includes 2.5% of one’s savings above 85 grams of gold, withheld for a lunar year. There are, however, other sorts of goods one may offer, such as farm and mining produce, and animals. Zakat is obligatory on the individual, even if the government does not mandate zakat on its population.

Hajj (pilgrimage):

The performance of the pilgrimage to Makkah, Saudi Arabia is required once in the lifetime of every Muslim, if financially able, as well as physically able.

Hajj begins every year during Dul Hijja; Dul Hijja is the 12th month of the Islamic (lunar) calendar year. The Hajj is a spiritual journey where a Muslim forgets all worldly things and devotes his\her attention and time to Allah alone.

Islam is not just a belief but a complete life system for the Muslim community. It includes practicing those habits that separate Muslims from others, distinguishing our religion as one with unmatchable faith.

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